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what's forex (valas)?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Forex (Foreign Exchange) is a foreign exchange trading. FOREX TRADING (forex trading) is the largest market in the world measured by total value of the transaction. According to the BIS survey (the International Bank for Settlements - the central bank of central banks around the world), done at the end of 2004, the forex transaction value reached USD 1.900 billion per day, with a growth rate of 20% every year with the availability of sophisticated telecommunications facilities, everyone can follow the development in foreign exchange and market participants on the market - the world's major markets such as Tokyo, London and America for 24 hours a day.

Foreign exchange trading offers to investors is the most liquid market and rapid price movements. Large volume of foreign exchange trading turnover on the shape of a perfectly competitive market is because no one pasarpun actors who have the ability as a determinant of price (price setter).

With the availability of margin trading facilities, whereby the (number of funds or guarantees) that are relatively small, we can meakukan transaction was several times the amount of funds we invest. In the trade we have the freedom to take a position either to buy or sell a particular currency and to liquidate / close.


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